Eventually you realize you need actual professional help. Hopefully it comes before something extremely dramatic like flipping out at work or extremely cliché like catching your ugly reflection after a headache inducing cry and realizing enough is enough. Still, you probably wont go.
The reasons will of course vary, but none will be sensible enough to avoid getting the help you need. But while you're ignoring the fact that you need therapy, like myself, there are definitely ways to cope and heal in your everyday life otherwise. It's imperative and truly life altering when you know what things help you cope and heal.
Glitter. Any kind of glitter. Body glitter, hair glitter, nail glitter, craft glitter, glitter apparel. Anything glitter. The sound of water. Sun. Sunrise, high-noon sun, and sunset. Dancing. Great company. Hearing my parent's voices. Talking to my siblings. Family. Wind. All these things help me and many times I forget on purpose how readily available these things are. Nonetheless, they're there, waiting for me to be reasonable and look towards recovery.
When we're down it is so easy to stay down. That is why we must remember we have to try to get up each time. You should be very concerned if you stay down. Now down can be a few hours or a few years; so there's absolutely no timer on it. However, the will to want to feel better is potent. Personally, there's been times I purposely took the route leading to more pain and isolation. There were instances when I had opportunities afforded to me for a path to a better Becky. But in many instances I ended up choosing the isolation. I choose keeping myself down. I soon became keen to when I start doing this and started choosing healing. My livelihood depends on it; and I don't have health insurance.
What are the things that help you heal? If you don't know, just think about things that are healthy and make you happy. If it's trying on dresses at your favorite store (sorry retail employees) then try it on and whatever else! If it's water, go hit the beach or a pool. If it's music, turn it up loud and sing your heart out. There's ways to feel better that beat the things I do to stay down.
Eat. Eat poorly. Overeat. Eat my feelings. Eat until my chest hurts. Drink. Drink until I sleep. Reopen communication with people who clearly aren't positive in my life. Ignore ambitions. Sleep in. These are the harmful things I quickly run to. Looking at this would break my heart, if I knew that I was still down. I'm lifted while still going and feeling so much. I'm by no means declaring I cured myself of anything, like I said, I need professional help. But there are coping mechanism I go to because I know I want to choose happiness. I want to choose peace of mind.
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