
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

52 Essays: Today Proved I Should Freelance

This Wednesday was a great one! Being a person working a 9-5, I get drained from the work week fairly quickly. With only two days to rest, party, run errands and clean, most Mondays I return to the grind feeling groggy. So having today off was a great mid week break to take care of a couple of affairs and relax.

As I went about the city, I noticed something that's special about the 9-5 hours when you're not actually spending them working 9-5. People not enclosed to the four walls that is their job are much happier! For the first time in a long time multiple people spoke to me throughout the day. A couple of men (who were cute by the way) inquired about a book I was reading, which led to a conversation. Speaking to people on the MTA, who knew?! With rush hour passing, folks could comfortably sit and ride the subway. A happier ride makes a happier mood. Then while I was walking around folks offered me help with directions. There were other instances where it was clear people were more interested in interacting with one another and I believe it had to do with them being outside of an office.

After my first round of errands I headed home ready to spend the rest of my day in the solitude that was my bed, but I enjoyed my experience from earlier so much that I decided to step out once again and get more things done.

Me having more control of my schedule felt so good, but not only that; it felt right too. I honestly felt that was a sign to get the control of my life I've been desiring and enter the freelancing world. For too long I've craved a writing career that will allow me a level of independence and flexibility that works for me. It is time to achieve this goal. As much as I appreciate my work, being confined to that building every weekday is soul wrenching. I already know what Wednesday looks like working a 9-5. Nothing ever changes with those kinds of Wednesdays. But now I've gaged the way a Wednesday could look as a freelancer. Control over my how I spent my day was empowering. It was energizing, and I got so much done! I am truly excited to merge into a full fledged writing career and can see the light at the end of the 9-5 tunnel.

I expressed this desire to a family member recently. I'd been telling her about my frustrations with my current job (none involving the actual job itself). The response was essentially that's just how it is. Don't let it get to you. When I mentioned making money for myself instead, she was silent. Why are we so hesitant to leave the 9-5 world? I honestly feel that people believe their peak success is finding a good 9-5 and working until retirement. working those same hours and prioritizing getting to that job over everything else. Things like child rearing to traveling often times are pushed to the wayside for these jobs that ultimately don't help us retire comfortably if at all. Still, we are tied to these traditional employment methods.

Well I say forget that! This life is so very short and the world has way more to offer than a job to "hold on to". it isn't fair to ourselves. There are a few ways I can enter this writing freelance world while continuing to be independent. it will not be an easy bout, but I am willing to put in the work to live the life I want. to live the life I deserve. to life the life my body deserves. how do you feel after your work week? what would you rather feel like?

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